Monday, July 6, 2009

Can you say Cruiser Bike?

I got a brand spankin' new vanilla and PINK cruiser bike with a bright pink basket.
Now, I've always been a red 'n black gal...rustic and rough on the outside. Rustic and rough
on the inside. But I saw this baby online at Benny's Bike Shop and had to have it.
I ride it everywhere and it makes me feel like I'm 12 again.
It's got that wide white bucket seat that's so comfy and a simple cruiser speeds.
Just my speed.
It's so goofy looking that it makes strangers wave and kids laugh as I cruise through neighborhoods. All 52 years of me.
What made me buy it?
OH, I could say my inner child or my pink side, but I prefer to think it was merely a bike that called to me on the internet. And I answered it.
There's also an "Out There Guy" in Boulder, CO (Ryan Van Duzer). He's riding from Boulder to Washington D.C. on a cruiser bike with two gears; pulling all his own gear. I think he's two weeks into the trip. If he can do that, I can do this.
Watch for me cruisin' by.

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About Me

My photo
I've been on Mother Earth for 18,900 days (you'll have to do the math 'cause it tires me). I've lived here and there. Now, I'm settled for the moment in colorful Colorado in a beige home (not by choice) with my flyboy helicopter pilot and two Welsh corgis. I've been a writer all my life and now I've added beading and jewelry design to the mix. I'm a runner and a writer and a very bad cook. In fact, I've never made a batch of cookies. Can you believe I included that in my bio? And I've never read a Stephen King novel. Hmmmmm.

Tibetan Tea


The woman who avoids cell phones (though I have an iPhone now), mindless chatter and LOUD noises. I always mute the TV during commercials. Now I'm chattering with others about my business and my little life.
Oh, my.
My shop is open on Rhino Designs at

BOLD adornments for the neck and wrist featuring tribal and vintage beads alongside newer ones.

Hmmm. Bold adornments for a girl who hates loud noises. Each piece has a delightful name and story. A story that I trust will blend beautifully and boldly with your own.
Wish me luck,
your little indigo rhino.

And more juicy details about my life to come...

Little Red Corvette: Baby, You're Much Too Fast...

Lucy the Cat Reading Alice Munro...

Lucy the Cat Reading Alice Munro...
New Year...New Addition!